Rondaxe Lake/Moose River Bridge


40 Antlers Road
Inlet, NY 13360

This is the North Branch of the Moose River. Bridges and crossings along the bike trails off of North Street in Old Forge offer hundreds of spots for calm water paddling and fishing. Clear water and sandy weed beds are home to a variety of species.

How to get there

Park at the bridge on Rondaxe Road or Carter Road.

By parking a second car at North Street Bridge, 1 mile from Route 28 near the red, white, and blue bridge in Old Forge, a one-way paddle is possible, and avoids the portage around Indian Rapids. 


Can be an easy, flatwater paddle.


The area around the Moose River bridge is the favorite spot of old time fishermen. Off the beaten path, it gives many open sandy areas for casting.

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